Ray Andrews, honoured with Middlesex Lifetime Achievement award

Ray lifetime

On Saturday the 18th May 2024, at our Centenary Dinner in London, the county bestowed upon our former Chairman, Ray Andrews, the honour of Lifetime achievement. 

What can we say about Ray, our Chairman until last year when he stepped down due to having his own match play tussle with health issues.

Ray began playing golf in 1956. It must have come naturally to Ray as he won the prestigious Daily Telegraph in 1961. He represented Surrey’s Under 25 team in 1963, a fine achievement considering the size of their talent pool.

Ray, eventually saw the light and  moved to Middlesex and joined Grims Dyke in 1995. He ran the County Senior Team from 1997 as well as running his club’s Junior Section. He became a Director at Grims Dyke in 2003 and became Chairman from 2006 to 2009.

Ray joined the County Committee in 2007 and became President in 2010. Ray was instrumental during the period when we merged with the then Ladies Section and were Incorporated in 2016. Ray was also our chairman from 2020 to 2023 and is currently Chairman of his home club.

As you can see, Ray  gives so much of his time, expertise, knowledge and considerable energy to promote and grow the great game of golf, not only at his home club but also in the wider Middlesex region.

Ray has always been really supportive and encouraging at every level – whether its putting someone at ease on the 1st tee of a championship, his enthusiasm at 7.30am on a 1st tee or at a business meeting on behalf of the county – he always made you feel that you were adding value to his team!

Ray always has a pleasant smile and warm greeting whenever you meet him. He is always welcoming and inclusive. His professionalism, passion and know how will by sadly missed by all of us at Middlesex. However, he won’t be far away and we will still see him at Middlesex County events.

So, it’s a huge heartfelt thanks from all of us at Middlesex Golf. You leave us in a better place and we are all honoured to have worked alongside you.

We wish you health, happiness and many, many birdies as you continue to enjoy your great golfing career